My husband and I have made an annual trip to Fischer's Tree Farm to cut down the perfect tree since before we were married. Eleven years later it has become a great family tradition. The kids really look forward to it. In the beginning John and I would spend hours searching for the perfect tree. You know "the one" that starts to glow and says AWWWWWWWW!!! I'm happy to report that no ones eyes were frozen and we didn't forget the saw hahaha, with three kids in tote we're pretty quick about it these days. I've learned that it doesn't have to be perfect. Once you put the lights and ornaments on they always look great. Part of our tradition is taking a family photo in front of the tree, which often becomes the picture on our Christmas card. I have to say this is one of my favorite traditions that we've started. Thanks so much for stoppin' by!!!! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!!!